We are proud to announce the release of IncludeOS version 0.10. Highlights from this release include partial POSIX support, a user-friendly boot tool to easily build and run IncludeOS services, and a revamped cross-platform build system based on CMake.

A number of exciting new features have been added: HTTP 1.1 client/server library support, a Virtual File System (VFS), a system RNG, etc. Of course a lot of bug fixes and performance improvements are also provided, and test coverage is steadily increasing. The IncludeOS project now uses a monorepo, so the Mana Web Application framework and the Acorn Web Appliance service are now included in the main IncludeOS repo.

We have also added several useful utility classes, like CRC32 checksumming, URI manipulation, TAR/gzip support, a fixed queue, even better C++ delegates, etc.

POSIX support

Many POSIX programs and utilities can now be ported to IncludeOS. A significant subset of POSIX functionality is already implemented (blocking sockets, read-only file system access, syslog logging, opening/reading tar/tar.gz files, etc.).


To make building and running IncludeOS services as simple as possible, you can use the new boot command line tool. A number of useful options are provided, but if you just want to run your IncludeOS service, simply type boot followed by the name of your service binary and press enter to fire up a VM with your service. When you are done, press Ctrl-C to stop the service and shut down the VM – no need to memorize obscure QEMU keyboard command sequences! :)

boot animation

$ boot -h
usage: boot [-h] [-c] [-b] [-v] [--create-bridge] [-g] [-j PATH]
            vm_location [vmargs [vmargs ...]]

IncludeOS vmrunner. Builds and runs an IncludeOS service

positional arguments:
  vm_location           Location of the IncludeOS service binary, image or
  vmargs                Arguments to pass on to the VM start / main

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c, --clean           Clean previous build before building
  -b, --build           Only build the service, don't start it in a VM
  -v, --verbose         Verbose output when building
  --create-bridge       Create bridge43, used in local testing when TAP
                        devices are supported
  -g, --grub            Create image with GRUB bootloader that will boot
                        provided binary
  -j PATH, --config PATH
                        Location of VM config file - JSON validated against a

Build system

We now use the cross-platform CMake build system to build IncludeOS and IncludeOS services. To build your own IncludeOS service, all you need is a short CMakeLists.txt file where you add your own C/C++ source files and list any IncludeOS drivers that you want included with your service:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.9)

# IncludeOS install location
  set(ENV{INCLUDEOS_PREFIX} /usr/local)


project (rng_test)

# Human-readable name of your service
set(SERVICE_NAME "RNG Test Service")

# Name of your service binary
set(BINARY "rng_test")

# Maximum memory can be hard-coded into the binary
set(MAX_MEM 128)

# Source files to be linked with OS library parts to form bootable image
  service.cpp # ...add more here


# include service build script

More information

We wish to thank our budding community of users and contributors – thank you so much for trying IncludeOS, posting issues and making pull requests! Full release notes are available on GitHub.

If you want to get involved, give IncludeOS 0.10 a try! If you need any help or would like to provide any feedback, we would love it if you come chat with us in our public Gitter chat or get in touch with us on GitHub.